About Me

I’m a PhD graduate from the Australian National University and the Australian Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision (ACRV) under the supervision of Prof. Robert Mahony.

My main research interest is developing novel visuomotor (image-to-control) policies for real-time, reactive, multi-instance grasping in the real world. This body of work is now integrated into a pure-vision based human-robot collaboration furniture assembly system. My side research projects involve 6D object pose estimation, monocular depth estimation, hand-eye calibration and manipulator-based semi-automatic dataset collection.

I was also a develop of Cartman, ACRV’s winner robot for the Amazon Robotic Challenge 2017.

Highlight Videos

[2022 IROS] GoferBot: A Visual Guided Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly System

[2021 ICRA] End-to-end Multi-Instance Robotic Reaching from Monocular Vision

[2017 ICRA] The Cartman System - Winner of the Amazon Robotics Challenge